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Primidi 1 Brumaire

Primidi 1 Brumaire, jour de la pomme
apple day

Calendrier Militaire

Year I.

Custines, general-in-chief.
Longwi taken back. Following this conquest, the Prussians, continuously harried by French troops since Châlons leave the French territory after huge losses of men, baggage and ammunition of all sorts.

Year II.

Army of Eastern Pyrenees.
Advantage over the Spanish in the valley of Baigory; 150 enemies killed, 11 prisoners.

Army of the North.
Souham commanding officer.
Capture of the posts of Warneton, Comines, Werwick, Ronek, Alluin, Menin, Furnes and Poperingues; capture of 7 cannons, 40 enemies killed, 150 prisoners.

Army of the Rhine.
Desaix, division general, commanding officer.
Capture of Alzey and Oppenheim; the enemy routs.

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