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Duodi 12 Brumaire

Duodi 12 Brumaire, jour de la macre
water caltrop day

Calendrier Militaire

Year I.

The Austrians must evacuate the town of Lanoy, the last closed post they still had on the French territory.

Year III.

Army of Moselle.
Moreau, general-in-chief.
Vincent, commanding officer.
The French enter Rheinfels, recently evacuated by 1,200 enemies; capture of 39 guns, many shotguns and much ammunition.

Year V.

Army of Italy.
Vaubois, division general.
Capture of the Saint-Michel village; the French burn the bridges over the Adige. The enemy redeploys to the Lavis, where it is beaten and repelled until the Segonzano village; 1,200 enemy casualties; 455 prisoners.

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