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Primidi 11 Frimaire

Primidi 11 Frimaire, jour de la cire
wax day

Calendrier Militaire

Year I

Army of the Ardennes.
Valence, general-in-chief.
Capitulation of the citadel of Namur, after the Austrian army under General Beaulieu was defeated; the garrison is prisoner.

Year II

Army of the Rhine.
Desaix commanding officer.
Capture of the redoubt of the Landgraben bridge and the Gambsheim fieldworks; important enemy losses.

Year III

Army of the Rhine and Moselle.
Saint-Cyr, division general, commanding officer.
Capture of the redoubt, known as Merlin's redoubt before Mayence; capture of

4 guns, 2 howitzers; 600 enemies killed, 80 prisoners.

Year V

Férino, Abatucci, division generals.
The enemy, arrayed in three columns, attacks the Huningue bridgehead and capture the half-moon; it is expelled from it after a hard fight which produces 2,000 enemy casualties and 100 prisoners.

Other events

11 Frimaire XIII Napoleon the First is crowned Emperor of the French.

11 Frimaire XIV Battle of Austerlitz: the French army crushes the Austro-Russian army.

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