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Septidi 27 Fructidor

Septidi 27 Fructidor, jour de la verge-d'or
goldenrod day

Calendrier Militaire

Year I.

Army of the Alps.
Le Doyen, commanding officer.
The enemy is expelled from the Belleville highgrounds; capture of the redoubt and fieldworks of Epierre; many enemies killed.

Year III.

Army of Sambre and Meuse.
Lefebvre, division general, commanding officer.

Fight of Enef and Hanelshorn, the enemy is shredded and flees; capture of a redoubt and two cannon; many enemies killed, wounded and prisoners.

Year IV.

Army of Italy.
Augereau, division general.
Capture of Porto-Tegnago, and its 1,673-man garrison, 22 field cannon all equipped with caissons.

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