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Primidi 1 Messidor

Primidi 1 Messidor, jour du seigle
rye day

Calendrier Militaire

Year II.

Army of Eastern Pyrenees.
Doppet, commanding officer.
Campredon taken back, after a hard combat.

Year IV.

Army of Italy.
Buonaparte, general-in-chief.
Augereau, Vaubois, division generals.
The French enter Reggio and Bologne, where they take prisoners 400 papal soldiers and the Cardinal-Legate; capture of 4 flags and 50 cannon.
Surrender of fort Urbain, with a 300-man garrison; capture of 50 cannon, 5,000 shotguns, 5,000 pounds of powder, and stores.
Ferrare and its castle are occupied by the French, capture of 114 cannon; the Cardinal-Legate is taken prisoner.

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