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Quartidi 14 Messidor

Quartidi 14 Messidor, jour de la lavande
lavender day

Calendrier Militaire

Army of the North.
Pichegru, commanding officer.
The French enter Tournay;

capture of 20 cannon and much ammunition.

Army of the Rhine.
The enemy fieldworks and many outposts are stormed and captured by the French.

Army of Western Pyrenees.
Moncey, general-in-chief.
The Republicais troops conquer all the enemy positions until Lecumbery, and make the enemy retreat until Yrursum.

Army of the Rhine and Moselle.
Moreau, general-in-chief.
Attack of the mountain of Knubis; capture of a redoubt situated at the top of the mountain, 400 prisoners, 2 flags and 2 cannon.

Army of Sambre and Meuse.
Jourdan, general-in-chief.
Championnet, Bernadotte, division general.
Crossing of the Rhine near Neuwied;

capture of several armed redoubts; many enemy casualties; 780 prisoners including 20 mounted cavalrymen; capture of 30 wagons; the Austrian general and both princes of Rohan, emigrates, escape in the nick of time, losing their gear.

Year VI.

Army of Egypt.
Buonaparte, general-in-chief.
The French army lands in Alexandria, defeats the Mamelukes, and submits the towns of Alexandria, Rosette and Cairo.


Sorry, the year for the Pyrenean and Northern armies is not given.

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