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Primidi 21 Messidor

Primidi 21 Messidor, jour de la menthe
mint day

Calendrier Militaire

Year IV.

Army of Sambre and Meuse.
Jourdan, general-in-chief.
Crossing of Lahn river; the army marches on Francfort and Mayence.

Army of the Rhine and Moselle.
Desaix, Saint Cyr, division generals, commanding officers.
Fight before Rastadt and in the defile near Guersbach; the enemy

must retire behind Dourlach; many enemy casualties; 1,300 prisoners.

Army of Sambre and Meuse.
Kléber, Lefebvre, Colaud, division generals.
Fight before Butzbach, Obermel and Camberg; capture of Friedberg; the enemy flees, losing 1,500 casualties, 500 prisoners, 3 cannon, 1 flag and 3,000 quintaux of flour.

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