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Octidi 28 Messidor

Octidi 28 Messidor, jour de la vesce
tare day

Calendrier Militaire

Year II.

Army of Sambre and Meuse.
Jourdan, general-in-chief.
Hatry, commanding officer.
Capture of Namur: the enemy must retreat, losing 51 cannon and 400 prisoners.

Army of Italy.
Fiobella, Dallemagne, division generals.
4,500 Austrians from the Mantoue garrison attempt to sortie but they are driven off, losing 600 casualties.

Army of Sambre and Meuse.
Kléber, division general.
Capture of Francfort and 171 bronze cannon, 5,000 shotguns,15,000 cartridges, 1,900 pounds of powder.

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