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Septidi 7 Prairial

Septidi 7 Prairial, jour du fromental
wheat day

Calendrier Militaire

Year II.

Army of Moselle.
Jourdan, general-in-chief.
Capture of the redoubts and town of Dinan; many enemy casualties, 60 prisoners.

Army of Eastern Pyrenees.
Dugommier, general-in-chief.
The enemy evacuates the Saint-Elme and Port-Vendre forts, Collioure taken back; 7000 Spaniards surrender their arms, and are taken prisoners until the swap; capture of the whole enemy artillery.

Year III.

Augereau, commanding officer.
10,000 Spanish infantrymen and 1200 cavalrymen attack a reconnaissance by troops from the Pontos highground camp; but they are routed.

Year IV.

Army of Italy.
Buonaparte, general-in-chief.
Revolt in Pavie; the gates of the town are demolished with axes by the Republican grenadiers; many rebels killed.

Other events

7 Prairial V Gracchus Babeuf is executed.

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