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Septidi 17 Prairial

Septidi 17 Prairial, jour du sureau
elder tree day

Calendrier Militaire

Year II.

Army of the Alps.
Vaubois, commanding officer.
Capture of the famous barricades post; the communication between the Army of the Alps and the Army of Italy is restored.

Year IV.

Army of Italy.
A French column, heading for the lake of Conio, captures and destroys the Fuentes fort.

Army of Sambre and Meuse.
Ney, adjutant-general, commanding officer.
Capture of Dierdoff, and Montabaur; 46 prisoners; capture of 200 quintaux of flour, 1000 sacks of oats, 150,000 rations of bread and 10,200 hay bundles.

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