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Sextidi 26 Prairial

Sextidi 26 Prairial, jour du jasmin
jasmine day

Calendrier Militaire

Year II.

United Armies of Moselle, the Ardennes, and the North.
Devaux, Bois-Gérard, commanding officers.
While under enemy cannon fire, the French capture and destroy a redoubt near Charleroy, after having vigorously repulsed the garrison.
Devaux, adjutant-general, commanding officer.
In less than 10 minutes, the French capture the redoubt beside the Brussels road before Charleroy; the first battalion of Lower Rhine repulses vigorously a sortie by the garrison of Charleroy.

Year III.

Army of Eastern Pyrenees.
Schérer, general-in-chief.
Battle of la Fluvia; rout of 28,000 Spaniards who had come

to attack foraging French in the St.-Père-Pescador plain; after a 10-hour fight, they withdraw across the Fluvia in great disorder; 1200 enemy casualties; many prisoners, 300 chariots of corn return to the Riurors camp.

Year IV.

Army of Sambre and Meuse.
Bernadotte, division general, commanding officer.
6 grenadiers companies capture Nassau, the Rohan legion, 70 men killed, as many wounded, and 12 prisoners.

Army of the Rhine and Moselle.
Moreau, general-in-chief.
The Austrian fieldworks between Franckental and le Rehut, are stormed by the French; 700 enemy casualties, 200 prisoners.

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