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Primidi 1 jour complémentaire

Primidi 1 jour complémentaire, jour de la vertu
virtue day

Calendrier Militaire

1 additional day I

Army of Eastern Pyrenees.
Daoust, general-in-chief.
The Verret post is taken back with 6 cannons, taken by 1,500 French troops; battle at Peyres-Tortes, won by 7,500 French troops against 14,000 Spanish troops; complete enemy rout, its camp captured, with 26 cannons, 4 howitzers and plenty of gold and silver; 900 enemies killed, 1,200 wounded and 1,600 prisoners.

Army of Eastern Pyrenees.
Dugommier, general-in-chief.
The French take back Bellegarde, the last enemy-occupied French stronghold; this town surrender after a four-and-a-half-month siege; 70 cannons and 40 thousands of powder taken.

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