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Nonidi 29 Ventôse

Nonidi 29 Ventôse, jour du frêne
ash day

Calendrier Militaire

Year V.

Army of Italy.
Bernadotte, Serrurier, division generals.
Capture of the town of Gradisca. The enemy surrounded there, with neither the ability to defend, nor the hope to escape, capitulates; 3,000 men, Prince Charles' elite, are taken prisoners; the French capture 10 guns and 8 flags.
Massena, division general.
Crossing of the Casasola bridge. The enemy which was defending it is disorganised and loses 600 prisoners.


On 26th, the village of Gradisca is taken. On 29th, the town of Gradisca is taken. Are these two different places? If they are the same, then why did the French take it twice within four days? Maybe the author forgot to tell us the town was taken back by enemy troops between these two dates.

Other events

29 Ventôse XII The Duke of Enghien is executed.

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