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Septidi 27 Brumaire

Septidi 27 Brumaire, jour du macjon
macjonc day (provisional translation)

Calendrier Militaire

Year II.

Army of Moselle.
Barba, commanding officer.
4,000 Austrians defeated before Bitche: many killed, 150 prisoners.

Ambert, commanding officer.
Complete Austrian rout near Lebach; many infantrymen and 130 cavalrymen prisoners; capture of 100 horses.

Hoche, general-in-chief.
Capture of Bising and Blise-Castel, after some fight: 100 enemies killed.

Year III.

Army of Eastern Pyrenees.
Dugommier general-in-chief, killed by a shell in the affair of St. Sébastien de la Mouga.

Pérignon, general.
Battle won over the Spaniards at Saint-Sébastien. Several camps and 8 redoubts taken; capture of 2 flags and enough tents for 10,000 men, 30 guns, 1,500 shotguns; 1,200 prisoners.

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