Calendrier Militaire
Year I
Army of the Ardennes.
Valence general-in-chief.
Capture of Namur by the
French, who besiege the citadel defended by
a 3,000-man garrison.
Year III
Army of Moselle.
Debrun, Huet, Peduchelle commanding officers.
More than 400 enemies are defeated in
the Grunnevald forest, near
Luxemburg, after a 7-hour fight;
capture of 3 guns and 4 caissons; 30 enemies
taken prisoners.
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Year V
Army of Italy.
Buonaparte, general-in-chief.
Massena, Vaubois, division generals.
The enemy is repetitively attacked and
repulsed from a position to the next;
from Castel-Novo to Rivoli, la
Corona, and along the Adige until Dolce;
many casualties; 1,200 prisoners, including one colonel;
capture of 4 cannons and 6 caissons.
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