Calendrier Militaire
4 additional day I
Army of Western Pyrenees.
Gilly, David, commanding officers.
Capture of Villefranche and the Prades camp,
the enemy loses several cannons and many tents.
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Sahuguet, commanding officer.
Capture of Escalo and Uaborsy, Spanish-occupied:
many casualties.
4 additional day II
Army of Sambre and Meuse.
Championnet, Legrand, commanding officers.
The Clermont highgrounds are stormed after
seven attacks; 800 enemy casualties.
Army of Italy.
Dumerbion, general-in-chief.
Victory of Cairo over the Piemontese, supported
by 10,000 Austrians; capture of many stores,
1,000 enemy casualties.
4 additional day III
Surrender and capitulation of Manheim.
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