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Quartidi 4 jour complémentaire

Quartidi 4 jour complémentaire, jour de l'opinion
opinion day

Calendrier Militaire

4 additional day I

Army of Western Pyrenees.
Gilly, David, commanding officers.
Capture of Villefranche and the Prades camp, the enemy loses several cannons and many tents.
Sahuguet, commanding officer.
Capture of Escalo and Uaborsy, Spanish-occupied: many casualties.

4 additional day II

Army of Sambre and Meuse.
Championnet, Legrand, commanding officers.
The Clermont highgrounds are stormed after seven attacks; 800 enemy casualties.

Army of Italy.
Dumerbion, general-in-chief.
Victory of Cairo over the Piemontese, supported by 10,000 Austrians; capture of many stores, 1,000 enemy casualties.

4 additional day III

Surrender and capitulation of Manheim.

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